Rightfullives.net reflects the struggle, the joy and the ideals of all the people who have made it happen. Most importantly it reflects the human spirit of the artists and contributors who have shared their work and often, more than a little of themselves. Whether it’s the stunning yet brutal poetry and painting of P-Yusuf; the anarchy of Heavy Load and the sadly missed Simon Barker; the subtle gaze of Paulette or the inspirational Bashment Ben. In truth, all of the contributors should get a mention, because all of them have made this exhibition what is. They have also made being a part of it an incredible privilege, and for that we want to thank them.
Julie Newcombe @twittleyjules
Mark Neary @MarkNeary1
As for our own personal reasons for being a part this – perhaps Julie should have the last word on that.
You Are My Child
Performed by Caroline Kick and Julie Newcombe
Written by Julie Newcombe
Additional Artwork by Amanda Gregory